Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sorority Initiations Paddling

The other

The summers of my childhood was spent between Chualar, crushed chiles and especially capirotada. Like everything in house, it was both very Mexican and for a very different to what school and lived in the neighborhood. At all times I had to give explanations about why the Chualar not popcorn, crushed chilies are a type of gamble and capirotada had nothing to do with that bread soaked in the inns. It was also strange to others that we were all the Easter to the church but not the pass giving us real lashes or emotional.

In the Protestant world the church is a place of important socialization, such as Good Friday service after the seven words was a holiday meal to follow at dusk. Easter Sunday was just to have breakfast with tamales and play for hours. Thus, the family was in the middle of everything as usual. Obviously we were not the only difference. The neighborhood, the city and the entire country is made up of different, but the myth of homogeneous and pasteurized Mexican made it and thereby deny ourselves. But the most unusual Easter for my self-flagellation were not Catholic, but the bewildering change of date of holiday and capirotada.

The days of the Earth's rotation, the lunar months and years revolution Earth around the Sun were to blame for my discomfort. Although in apparent synchrony are far from each other multiples round and thus have a simple, beautiful and clear calendar system to the frustration of everyone. By contrast the duration of the year is as ugly with its 365 days, 5 hours, 48 \u200b\u200bminutes and 45, 9678 (...) seconds what to do with those 48 minutes? "Playing football halftime? The extra quarter day each year or talk. So you better not be watching them and ancient civilizations were left as not wanting to build the thing, ignoring the wise aliens helped them to build pyramids. So things Asterix times for the disorder was sufficient to Roman chief executive realized he did not live in the day it should. Julio Cesar then decided that the universe would be nice with years of 365 ¼ days, and every four years add a day. Cute, except that were amassed eleven minutes a year that the Renaissance did drop the early spring around March 11. The good news is that the holidays coming soon, but that did not matter to Gregory XIII workholic tired of holding the carnival, even in winter (tanga ride in Venice and snow must be horrible), made use of a resource misunderstood today: CONACYT summoned medium Vatican to help him, this primitive custom was that the scholars and scientists instead of playing to join the dots on farmville SNI or resolve the problems of the empire (a practice quite eccentric). In this way was that Christopher Clavius \u200b\u200band other Jesuit mathematicians invented a dreadful but practical solution. First flew 10 days remaining, Europeans Catholic slept an October 5 and woke up 15 October. Second, set the length of the year at 365 days 24.22% of the day (instead of 25% previously). Third, the surplus it gathered in a February 29 every 4 years, less the years that were new century. The exception to this rule is that every 400 years instead of the century itself will leap by 29 February, as it was in 2000. February 29 that repeats every 400 years. With all the ugliness that can be this calendar, only delayed one day every 2, 800 years.

What about Easter? Easter is a lunar date and has little to do with it.

That is a mess and moves so far. The moon has a cycle around the Earth of 29.53059 days, which means there is no way to fit between a fixed number of full moons in a solar year equivalent to about 354. 36709 days is the length of the lunar year. To fit the twelve half Moon in the twelve months were invented lunar months of 29 and 30 days, 354 days achieving accurate. Sure eleven days missing a fit to the solar calendar, so he devised lunar cycles of 19 years seven of whom have extra lunar month. So the Jewish holidays (lunar calendar) get delayed with the Gregorian calendar, until it falls a year and anticipate extra month. The Islamic lunar calendar the leap month is not going backwards, and always with respect to our calendar, like Ramadan. So Muslim children are laughing at Santa Claus always going forward. Easter is even more tangled because it mixes elements of lunar and solar. Falls on the Sunday following the first full moon (element lunar) after the spring equinox (solar component). But what the hell is Easter that has gotten us into so many obstacles?

Easter Bunny after reading this blog and not being able to calculate Easter, 2023, the year of the rabbit

The Jews are a strange people because Easter celebrates the Exodus from Egypt where they lived with water, food, weekly English and legal benefits to end around in the desert, no water, no soap and no vaginal lubricant. It's called freedom and worth more than gold from Pharaoh. Jesus himself when was pouring a glass of wine with his buddies in the Easter holidays, not to just tell pa that the Romans were going to get good punks, was also celebrating the freedom that so impaired at the time so looked so much like today.

why the emphasis in Jewish texts, Christians and in general throughout the West on the treatment of aliens. That all were strangers, we are all foreigners and migrants. This also becomes more gloomy news on Easter on the graves in Tamaulipas, full of migrants crossing the desert in search of freedom (by definition poverty, like wealth, are contrary to liberty). This also makes more sinister reading these Facebook days in the comment of a little kid from the "progressive left" calling evil shit born to another because it is not Mexican. When in fact we are a country of migrants, different and foreign. When in reality only exist on the other in which we recognize and differentiate. After all God, really did not do a very couple Universe, or the calendars or its inhabitants.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Illision New Tibia 7.6

Easter march to not

As Milan Kundera a group of people with fists raised shouting the same phrase in unison seems the antithesis of freedom. But also endorse that "even the pain itself is as heavy as the pain felt with someone, anyone, to anyone, multiplied by the imagination, prolonged in a thousand echoes." So I understand the outrage and the courage of those who march against violence Tuesday afternoon, because I feel the same anger, the same courage. Although this does not leave. "I will not because I disagree with some of the slogans that have been released. I really hurts and I have no way to imagine what it feels the father who lost his son by the narco. I mean the poet himself, but other parents and other children that did not generate anger especially among the "intellectuals" and whose blood is just red. Nor leave because I am baffled that carrying a candle for each of the 40 thousand dead, especially considering that some of those dead are the children who have started peace, life and possessions to thousands of families. Maybe my mother fervent Methodist, Catholic and a former girlfriend I dated someone who converted to Buddhism could. But not me. I regret the pain of their families but would flowers for them.

But mostly because I feel I will not support the promoters of violence.

As with the charlatans, we must be careful not to do the dirty work for the narcos. When a reporter gives space to the pseudo medicine or pseudoscience undermines health and intelligence of much of the town. When the "great minds" clamoring against the president, in favor of withdrawing the army to whom is based in reality? Obviously, it is not clearly support a strategy of errors and misunderstandings saturated, let alone the ideology which does not agree, as the president, in my case. Clear that the army in the streets is not the solution, because the armies are designed under a different logic, contrary to that of a policeman. The first attempts to use more firepower in the shortest time possible, the second minimal force to contain and collection of evidence. For the same (and more) the situation is a disaster. But who shot, kidnapped and threatened? Who killed the innocent? How many deaths directly by the army and navy? How many rescued, many captured by the army, mostly indigenous, mostly disciplined?

And more importantly, what to do? The government seems not to know or want to do more than it already has. Precisely why the academic and intellectual world that has been so wronged, is far from fulfilling its social role by reacting with marches, so as late and only when a prominent member and known was affected. Not so with young foreign academics and killed months, years. "In addition to expressing the emotional discharge fill and what is the use of marching? We just went through the trial run of the "rich" (despised by many who now go) and go through the march of technology (despised by many who now march). If every social sector is going to go when it's up not going anywhere, because as we march the ineptitude and corruption continue while the gunfire resonate. Of course how are the difficult, but that they are intellectuals, academics. "I'm not a strategist and I know it is due to" an intellectual focal point of the march in the morning. Me neither, but I think we should encourage

The trials based on evidence (ya! In this year!) Better a hundred guilty was that an innocent prisoner. And responsibility for the MP not evidence to substantiate an accusation.

The total seizure of assets of those involved and support organized crime.

The receipt of goods during the trial of all defendants, including military and police collusion.

request the extradition of foreigners who wash their money and weapons entering the country, although police gringos.

And although not enough, school full time, until 6 pm (with all the budget changes that implies). It is clear that killing has become morally permissible and despised the effort and work, not to mention critical thinking. Notice that more and better cops like you mija, the country will be better is at least misleading. It is with more and better teachers and that means slap SNTE and CNTE and more humility of graduates and German owners, the Madrid and Lancaster.

If instead of going our intellectual CONACULTENSES SNI 3 and can not improve, expand and call for proposals better than this, we can basically say that the country, and left.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Free Touching And Groping On Bus

Iodine-133 in water of Tokyo

We are hearing that due to leakage of nuclear power in Japan have detected traces of the radioisotope iodine-131 in Tokyo tap water at concentrations above the legal limit. It banned the consumption of water to drink and bottled water is recommended them. This has caused great alarm in the world and not only in Japan though the Japanese authorities insisted there was worrisome. Let's see if they were right or not: The analysis of Tokyo threw water activity values \u200b\u200bdue to iodine-131 between 150 and 210 becquerels per liter in water. A Becquerel (Bq) is a measure of radioactivity whose magnitude is equal to one disintegration per second. That is, in one liter of water from Tokyo, on Tuesday, disintegrated between 150 and 210 Iodine-131 nuclei per second. Is this worrying? English law and assume that the Japanese will be similar in the Royal Decree 783/2001, approving the regulation on health protection against ionizing radiation, is to establish standards for the protection of workers and members the public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation. In this royal decree establishing alia dose coefficients for ingestion for each of the radioisotopes. (Is Peden available at this enalce BOE, Annex II) http://www.insht.es/InshtWeb/Contenidos/Normativa/TextosLegales/RD/2001/783_01/PDFs/realdecreto7832001de6dejulioporelqueseapruebaelregla.pdf

If we in the table we are interested in the isotope, Iodine-131 (I-131). We see it has a half-life of 8.04 days and that, like the rest of the isotopes, the dose depends on the age of that drink water (or food) containing such isotopes. For an adult over 17 years, the conversion factor is 2.2 • 10-8 (0.000000022) Sv Bq. That is, each Bq of Iodine-131 that you will eat a 0.000000022 radiation dose Sv, or what is the same military 0.000022 Sv This figure multiplied by 210 gives us the amount of Sievert per liter of water, giving a total of 0.00462 mSv / liter The sievert ( symbol Sv) is an SI derived unit that measures radiation dose absorbed by living matter, corrected for possible biological effects.

This unit gives a numerical value that can quantify the effects of ionizing radiation.

Symptoms in humans due to radiation accumulated during a day starting from 250 mSv.

short, and not bore you with calculations, adult would need to drink 54,112 liters of water to achieve the recommended limit. If you drink 2 liters a day would need 70 years to be drinking water that pose a risk. In the case of children and looking at the conversion factors table would leave us so much younger that the recommendation not to drink was made for them but for safety.

Today the dose has dropped to levels not of concern.

Another point to consider is the half-life of iodine 133 that is 8.04 days ie within 8 days would be half past 16 a quarter, ie that after several months would have reduced per thousand.

hope that nothing happens and achieve more serious these problems, but with alarming news are not solved.

http://www.csn.es/index.php Nuclear Safety Council