Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Can Carrot Oil Do To My Skin?

Rescuing Mexican texts

because although we were monkeys has its epacio in Letter S , this time to address repeated versus one of those inevitable elves who stroll through the galleries of any printed work and sometimes, just sometimes, put a comma plus a less but giving sleepless ruin a writing session.

The Sammygate

Although Linnaeus was born 18 years after the death of Thomas Sydenham, both had much more common than it seems. The first best known as the proponent of the biological classification system that essentially used today. The second, a British physician, prompted the clinical diagnosis of disease. Both agreed to try to define precisely entities, identified themselves, but in essence variables. The search for definitions implies rarity take forms that do not conform to normal .

Looking at the different

Depending on how concerned attitudes toward the abnormal range from outrage to protection. Alfred Binet he learned to see how your system to help children with learning disabilities led to categorize small and intellectually below average. And of course, sexuality is no exception to this trend. It seems we do not know what to do with those who believe different. Respect the other could be a good starting point. And respect is what missed the last Sunday May 17 during a television broadcast in which the actress Galilea Montijo and someone known as Sammy attended a joke that reflects what seems funny to make fun of us who do not have the cognitive skills expected.

Mocking the other

In scenes broadcast was obvious that one of the partners was not aware of what he did, or what occurred. There was a whiff of superiority, mocks the other's sexuality, which bordered on sexual abuse is understood as any sexual activity without a valid consent of participants. In the joke this person excited, we were led to believe, based on their cognitive difficulties have sex, the video recorded and displayed for people laugh at their sexual response. Sexuality is one of the most intimate aspects of human beings and making public mockery of the privacy of a person with disabilities, not only challenges the view that participants have about it, but society is able to laugh at sexual abuse Clearly a person with intellectual disabilities.

But something good came of all this, activists and journalists requested that human rights institutions to train the actress Galilea Montijo in the issue of discrimination. It's a great idea, but the question that remains is how can this help for Sammy again take advantage of the condition Miss Montijo intellectual.


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