How about friends (as) DDR fans?, To tell you that this Sunday, November 29 Festival will be conducted Kawaii Clamp 2009 and of course our group Otaku Odori was present at the event, the day began with our arrival at the Liceo Samuel Sáenz
at about 6:00 am with some minor technical difficulties for a change, but nothing that we could not solve, so we will not name XD, assemble the stand without further mishap and gave us time to rest your eyes a while, given that none of the members were asleep throughout the night for different reasons if you want to know ask us XD ...
At about 9 am they opened the gates to the complex, initially as there were few people, but as time went say at about 11 am it was already very difficult to walk through the facilities given the amount people who filled the place.
estubo activity quite varied, with many activities on stage, and which required a lot of public participation (clarified that this review is not about criticizing or watch points for or against the organization of festivals).
Now if we turn to some of our stand, fortunately, and as we have seen in past festivals, our position going all day pass to the point that there was little we could dance, cosplayers and others as they grabbed us and love and more and more people who want to dance with us.
course Anythingpor thank Anita have done cosplay "Bichi" (provisional name of our mascot). Certainly that was a success everyone wanted to take pictures with her, really thank you very much Anita for helping in this way.
And still the thanks of course to everyone who danced with us, to all who stopped to watch and not be encouraged, hopefully to join us in upcoming events, the organization of the festival, Oscar (Kakashi) my brother you're a brick, a great person and thanks for the invitation, Toys Ross Ross, Alex Marcelo and Capital Video Games and finally All exhibitors who allowed this festival possible. Stay tuned for more activities where we will be sharing with you 

estubo activity quite varied, with many activities on stage, and which required a lot of public participation (clarified that this review is not about criticizing or watch points for or against the organization of festivals).
Now if we turn to some of our stand, fortunately, and as we have seen in past festivals, our position going all day pass to the point that there was little we could dance, cosplayers and others as they grabbed us and love and more and more people who want to dance with us.

Now, we leave you with photos of the Fest and some videos, where you are the protagonists
Now, we leave you with photos of the Fest and some videos, where you are the protagonists
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