For Marcia, solidarity and brotherhood
In September 1978 most of the small room of my house was covered with sheets of paper Caplan, who caused him ill at ease in the Puritan sense of order that my professed fathers. And more so because for several days I was face down on the floor, adding detail to the image that was copied from a magazine. It was a picture of Salvador Allende, who later time, a little extra chin and squint a little justified as artistic interpretation of the refraction of the lens, was placed in the school bulletin board. Since then Allende, Chile and the Chilean exile, inexplicably, have appeared repeatedly in my life and have taken root in my soul. A great friend, an otherwise miserable several great colleagues and buddies, a woman he loved, another that did not (but what it was spent), the biography of Neruda in my puberty and moderate amounts of red wine are part of Chile's presence in the road I've traveled so far.
Chile, a country I want without having stepped lies today hurt by the Earth itself. But despite the spectacular of 8.8 on the Richter scale, this earthquake was neither the first nor the most serious. At 11.30 am on February 20, 1835 an earthquake measuring about 3 minutes destroyed much of Valdivia and Concepcion, exactly where he now repeats, as witnesses to Simón Rodríguez (Venezuelan naturalist mentor Simon Bolivar) and also Charles Darwin. Their intensity we know nothing. Of the earthquake, of Charles was a man we know very little given to excesses. And is that the records of magnitude tremor started until 1900. Days later Darwin was moved to Concepción, where he observed the rise of more than one meter in sidewalks and roads, which, along with a trip to the Andes led immediately to recall the proposals of Charles Lyell on the gradual, subdued and constant elevation of the ridges. In fact, this increase was the cause that passed the mouth of the Amazon of the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. And is that the Chilean coast is just one of the banks of the Ring of Fire, specifically where the Nazca plate is subducted beneath the South American Plate. Over millions of years of continental plates have moved, shocked and broken in the same way he does a layer of cream when boiled milk. The movement of convection moves milk and cream crust fracture as the convection of Earth's molten interior makes the crust is the crust. Which, incidentally, discredits the view of Rosario Robles (even more), who recently declared that the Earth is taking revenge shake based on what we have hurt. In fact since 1915 when Alfred Wegeger proposed his theory of plate tectonics is clear what the point of highest incidence of earthquakes, the cause thereof and the inability to accurately predict its occurrence and intensity. Why, even knowing she seismic zone, not surprisingly, left again in Valdivia submit an earthquake of 9.5 Richter scale in 1960 registration of greater magnitude than has been done to him now.
And if his Bolivarian spirit of inquiry and makes you think that the Evil Empire goes playing with earthquakes and warlike appliances, just remember that an earthquake of 6 degrees Richter equivalent to the energy unleashed by a nuclear explosion of Hiroshima. One of 7.2, such as Haiti, 900 times more energy and the recent Chilean earthquake 500 times the energy released in Haiti! Half a million detonate nuclear bombs would be difficult to hide, even by the CIA.
Fortunately the epicenter of the Chilean case was a little over 90 km from Concepción, insufficient, but frankly desired by the Haitians who lived in the epicenter. Not that they were on the epicenter, as reporters constantly repeated everywhere, Port-au-Prince was the epicenter, ie the point on the surface exactamente arriba de donde se produce el movimiento de la placa. En estas circunstancias es imposible escapar. En Chile, por el contrario la lejanía con el epicentro dio unos segundo para reaccionar y suficientes minutos antes de la llegada del tsunami a las costas. En caso de que usted lector, lectora sea un bombón asesino , tenga en cuenta que un tsunami no es algún tipo de comida oriental. Se trata de la ola marina que se forma tras un terremoto y se desplaza tras las ondas telúricas que llegan antes, dada la mayor densidad del subsuelo respecto del mar. A mayor densidad, más velocidad de movimiento. Tristemente la alerta de tsunami no se dio a tiempo y la situación se complicó bastante más de los debido, ya de por si difficult.
The damage is enormous, lives too, but I'm sure the Chileans, as they always have, grow a little more with this earthquake, like the Andes that envelop.
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