Since I threw the English football column in the Times, I'll put another, different freak: series television address to

However, in the last decade and a half the U.S. networks, both free and paid, have produced a lot of series of such quality as the best film, and often more. Basten few titles to refresh memory: 'Mad Men,' 'Dexter,' 'Lost', 'Galactica', 'House', 'The West Wing', 'The Sopranos',' Six Feet Under, "" Deadwood ',' Roma ',' The Wire ',' The Shield ', '24 hours', 'CSI' 'Law & Order,' 'ER,' 'NYPD Blue', 'X-Files ... And personally I would add these 'Breaking Bad', 'True Blood' or 'Sons of Anarchy. " Others may be inclined to 'Grey's Anatomy', or multiple series of fantasy, as 'Smallville,' 'Buffy', 'Supernatural', etc etc. And that's without getting into tele, we could also. There is something for all tastes, and each added their own (in fact, I invite readers to do - and remember that the list is limited to the last fifteen years).
The main difference between film and television series is, of course, duration, and it goes title. While it may be, and indeed there are movies that are well told in the space of a couple of hours, and do not need more time, a series can extend the time to explore their characters. There are series that once they establish their main characters in the early chapters, and not move, and it comes down to the number of things that can happen to them before returning at the end of each episode to its original state so that the next team of writers can use them, but others take advantage of all those extra hours to take their characters from a starting point to another are no longer the same. As said Christopher Moltisanti (Michael Imperioli), in 'The Sopranos' when he was lost his life and wanted to write scripts: "The characters have an arc, Pussy." Where's my arc? ". "I'll tell you who had a bow, Christopher," replies gangster. "Robin Hood." Series
long haul, such as 'Emergency', which lasted 15 seasons, had time to do anything with their characters. Within the framework to reflect a shift work, for which you have to be prepared no matter what happens to you, there have been deaths, divorces, marriages, births, expulsions, removals, fights, complaints and everything imaginable. Every player that has been going (in real life because the actor wanted to do something else or because farmers no longer needed) leaving behind much of what was in his first appearance. All that life can not be in a movie.
Some series even try to do both things at once. 'X Files', for example, was famous for having two types of episodes: some were those who called for "mythology", which appeared CSM, Skinner, and the main villains of the big alien conspiracy, which was moving slowly , and the others were the fans nicknamed the "monster of the week", where Mulder and Scully are sitting in front of a mutant lizard, a tree murderer or a guy who eats cancers in chapters that were resolved in 42 minutes and returned them to their FBI office.
Interestingly, in the film, at the same time, it has recently been giving a large increase in the sagas, which could offer the same possibility for the characters from the big screen. However, not being exploited in the same way. While yes Harry Potter is growing up, learning and coming to a different point in his fictional life (because it does in the original novels), that continuity is not complied with Batman, 007 or 'Friday 13', probably because unlike of the above, these sagas are not designed from start to finish by the same mind or even the same team. Furthermore, the mentality is different: you go to the cinema to see a "Superman", not necessarily to see that known to be the fourth or fifth or new or reset of Superman, while in a series, part of the interest is to have followed the characters from the beginning. In 'Mad Men' or 'Roma', for example, no matter what event we are not interchangeable as they are in 'The Simpsons', where 22 seasons later, Bart is still 10 years.
Well, here the pilot episode of this series (column). If someone wants to go read more about series and movies, you can do on my blog ( Readings are welcome, suggestions and comments. Continue.
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