News USA January 2011 Televicio
These are the 16 new (and media) released during the first month of the year on American television.
Insecurity (Release 4 January)
In previous posts I said that within sitcoms I like everything, but this is rather lie still. It's a Canadian series that parodies spies and villains, and it shows a little lack Media and the charisma of the actors.
Do it fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Let it
Bob's Burgers (9 January)
Animated Series about a family that has a burger. The family's last name is Belcher (burping), so you can see over the issue. Despite that, the Graciet are usually not fart, poop, pee, but it does not run from using a certain vulgarity in its humor. It's like a hamburger, go: sometimes you feel like, sometimes you get bad to think what it can hold. It also follows the pattern of Bob, the father, just try to defend as you can in the situations he throws his business, his wife, health inspectors and three kids each one more problemático.Y even a cow. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Make it sets
Episodes (9 January)
As I said in my previous entry, 2011 begins with the year of "Inglés transplant." Up to three series at once (see below) have debuted in a week that are remakes of British series, and to top it we have this other, which is a British writer who move to Hollywood to make a remake of the series. As often happens in English comedies, much of the humor turns to embarrassment, the kind of saying things in the wrong time. As a comedy, the characters may be somewhat exaggerated (the American producer with more money than sense, the obsession with beauty, visitors posh fucking repressed English) but certainly more of a thing is based on (and will be even worse) in reality. Special mention Matt LeBlanc, who was Joey on 'Friends' (and 'Joey'), and makes of himself with his gray hair natural forties. Although they continue to present a very positive, drinker and bon vivant as yet not without brain
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Shameless (January 9)
First of the aforementioned British remakes. In the UK, this series is already about 90 episodes in 8 seasons since 2004 and is a "dysfunctional family" (adjective fashion) without mother, alcoholic father and not has given a stick to water life, and with six children who grow up as they can, between the eldest daughter, neighbors, pickups and who pass through it. Transplanted from Manchester to Chicago, maintains the level of dirt in the home district of the same type, foreplay or so out of control everywhere, and not one "normal" family in sight. The title means "No Shame" (or "scoundrel"), and the viewer must decide whether to admire these people for making a living or is repulsed by them when they do things like take an old lady in a nursing cheat an inspector. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Make it sets
The Cape (January 9)
Another attempt (failed) to make a good superhero series. A police officer's death hidden for good arm / hidden with a layer against a private company and their evil minions. They help a circus troupe (wtf?) Layer that provides the title, with which the holder is able to grab and hit things, and that "is made of pure silk spider" (wtf again?). It does not seem very clear whether or not the powers we have, as it only says it's all illusion, but I do not school, really. There are many elements comiqueros, as being in a fictional city (Palm City), having strange and colorful villains and even the kid with the main character read a comic called 'The Cape'. Because all this, the main character has a wife and son who do not know who is not dead, you're out partying. Best of all is when she goes to the roof to see the kid difrazado Cape, as the Chicken Colorao in 'Red Eagle'. In short, that even the producer has cut the season from 13 to 10 episodes. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Letting
Lights out (January 11)
Best of the new batch, and may the year. Is a retired boxer, his family, his gym and its economic problems. The title is a pun on the nickname of the boxer, Patrick 'Lights' Leary. Good scripts, good characters and room to grow within a well-known genre and too danger that things sound a longer view. Strongly recommended. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Make it sets
Off the Map (January 12)
'Grey's Anatomy' in the jungle, it's like have sold (and not the first series recently sold mentioning 'Grey's Anatomy'). Some little doctor very lush, very, very Yankee goons will be "somewhere in South America, reflecting a huge lazy writers who do not even choose a specific country, lest they have to investigate something. It's all a green generic with its waterfall, its cantinita and Tapiocca Colonel shorts, the local population speaks English seseante, nor are the poorest of the poorest, but it is remote-but-tourism, in order to get American patients and not have to do the whole series in English. The characters will save lives, rescue people, get life lessons from each other, love, hate and drink to forget at the end of the shift in the midst of incomparable framework. I have been three episodes, but not for me, really, but certainly has its audience. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Allow to Being
human (17 January)
Second British import, about a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost house they share today. At least they do facilitated to summarize, understand and even anticipate what can happen. Whoever fundamentalist vampire theme as I hate with all his heart that the fellow to ride day and if such a thing, and mania is everywhere lately. Apart, of course drink blood bag. That's not a vampire or anything. I'll give a little leeway to do, but put it at the end of the tail. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Go a bit further
Harry's law (January 17) David E Kelley
is one of the biggest names in American television, and it is a series of specialist lawyers: "The law in Los Angeles', 'The lawyer', 'Ally McBeal' and 'Boston Legal'. As seen from the list, the degree of peculiarity of their lawyers has been increasing with each project, and this is the last attempt to get out a bit of a genre trilladísimo standard, which is a bit risky, because throw rarejas what the characters may draw a lot when you want to take the case seriously. Or are we to mushrooms or a Rolex. The pilot promised an absolute disaster, with a history unable to justify how a patent attorney just boring faux defender of criminals / selling designer shoes (no, not an error), but the protagonist is none other than Kathy Bates and that is an important value. The following two episodes have been much more positive. The cases were brought, tied and untied in 40 minutes, and there are speeches and debates on the stand on major issues before judges allowed them to be rantings and impressive and all. Good for when you feel like a little pill of legal drama not too dramatic. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Go a bit further
Skins (17 January)
Third of British recruits. Is a series about a group of dieciseisañeros to spend the day thinking (and doing) no drinking, drugging and fucking (or try). The name comes from the papers, or "skins" for rolling joints. Rarely see them go to class, and almost always are partying at home each other. Parents do not appear anywhere, or when they do they are a bunch of idiots, and almost all adults who leave. The original series in the hands of MTV in its American version, further underlines the fact that it targets an audience of the same age if not dream of doing something similar, at least conforms to see and fantasize. How to be cool to leave your parents house a week and will leave you a thousand dollars in an envelope. In addition, the American version removed a gay boy and a girl lesbian adds. Many advertisers, such as Clearasil, have withdrawn their ads from the intermediate. What in Europe was little more than a sort of cult teen series (in France, apparently all the rage), as in the U.S. of A becomes a cause celebre. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Go a bit further
Retired at 35 (January 19)
sitcom is the third year in the middle is the subject of a thirties coming back to live with their parents (after 'Big Lake' and 'Shit my dad says'). In all three cases ignores the economic and moral suffering, and the scripts are going more for the generational joke and how the child has to endure a peculiar father. In this case we are in Florida, where all the Americans withdraw, and therefore it's going to difficulty urinating and flirting in the bingo. Be seen for now. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Go a bit further legal Fairly
(January 20)
's beautiful, lives on a boat and takes the red-soled Louboutin heels now put all superwomen (just give luck: Piper Perabo took a nomination Emmy for a role quite bland in 'Covert affairs', and got out or not to run). Is a mediator of conflicts, but also a lawyer, or something like that, same way as you solve a robbery at a coffee trial a domestic dispute. All very spontaneous and instinctive, without trying, because I'm worth. In a country where the work ethic is what is promoted everywhere, it is curious the attraction they feel for characters who can do everything without apparent effort. Or rather, they seem to do things without effort. You can fall out of bed and combed and made up, mismatch wrongs while you take the Starbucks coffee, and decide what you take to bed. Or not. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Go a bit further. Sarah Shahi is too good to quit. And he went on 'The L word '.
Perfect Couple (January 20)
Another sitcom about three couples as friends and their neuroses and quirks. Seems to want to be more subtle than overtly based on jokes (in fact, dispenses canned laughter), but it has to curdle a bit yet.
Portlandia (January 21)
More than a sitcom, is a series of sketches where the two main actors, male and female, make parodies various characters based on people and situations in Portland, Oregon in the northwest alternative geek, skim, organic, and eco-obsessed country. Part of the humor may be somewhat difficult to understand for foreigners, and some the sketches are obviously better than others. There are some quite rare, the truth, and more curious than graceful. May be of interest to those seeking something different. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Go a bit further
Onion News Network (ONN) (21 January)
My new favorite comedy. It's a parody of the news Americans seem increasingly info-tainment shows (info-entertainment areas) than purely information services. There is a large study by the hostess skirt and heels blonde walks giant screen going expert correspondent while fast-talking news completely invented, some of a point which would be true, such a report with all media delivery on the idiots who come by car to buy when they are warned that there is time, or the arrival of a terminator determined to end the future with Suri Cruise . The funny thing is that everything is done with the serious tone that really put the news without putting parodic voices, but with a very satirical scripts. In fact, the series is an expansion of the newspaper 'The Onion', a kind of 'El Jueves' to the U.S., created in 1988. To make matters worse, while presenters speak even more hilarious headlines appear in the "crawl" on the screen below, which hardly gives no time to read. Thus, can be difficult to follow, but if it manages one, it is a full axis. Make it
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Spartacus: Gods of the arena (21 January)
This is the "half-set" that deíamos at first. Because cancer sufferer Andy Whitfield, star of the original Spartacus, are used the time to do this prequel while healing. Unfortunately, it was not possible to recover to the level required for a demanding role, and the series will continue with another Spartacus next year. Meanwhile, the prequel account the five years before the arrival of the ludus of Batiatus Spartacus, and therefore, we again see the characters of the first series. Very careful who has not seen the original series, however, because this prequel begins by reviewing what happened in it, so it's a bit of spoilers in a pure state. Moreover, it has the same tone of fake blood, muscles, sword slashes, nudity, sex, mass and dialogues full of fucks and cocks. In other words, a "Do it fixed" like a house. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Make it sets
Working class (28 January)
sitcom about a blonde, divorced twice, to try rubbing the forty raising three children and brother-based journal Curran in a super. And based on lowered the neckline and skirt get when he wants something from the boss, the dentist or the ex-husband. Even though he always repents and confesses and such. It is best veteran Ed Asner's fellow work mates. Nothing special, be seen. Make it
fixed / go a bit further / Leave it? - Go a bit further