Now we begin to publish our scientific schedule, with more events and anniversaries relevant science.
I present some of them, of course there are many more, Anino you get them.

The January 8, 1642 Galileo dies in Florence Renaissance man and father of the heliocentric theory and physics of modern physics.

The January 9, 1954 IBM in New York presents the first calculator of integrated circuits or "electronic brain.
The January 12, 1716 born Antonio de Ulloa. He founded the Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid

The January 21, 1926 died Camillo Golgi, Nobel in medicine in 1906, is the discoverer of the apparatus of an irregular network of fibrils, cavities and pellets in his honor in front be called the Golgi apparatus and plays an essential role in cellular operations as the construction of the membrane, lipid and protein storage or transport particles along the plasma membrane.

The January 25, 1627 Robert Boyle was born in Ireland, is the first important scientist who performed controlled experiments and published his paper explaining in detail its procedures, the devices used and their comments. He managed, almost single-handedly, that chemistry was a respectable activity, studied the behavior of gases and promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of atoms. Through his work lays down what is now known as "Boyle's law": the volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure. "
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