One of the most important news of Easter Week was the creation (if only by decree) Xicana Space Agency (AEXA bureaucrat for short) that , according to many, gives started the space age in our country. The truth is that beyond the tradition in astronomy that Mexico has grown by almost as strong as the production of soaps, space research is not new, what is said in this new land that has given birth to chicharito Hernández. Precisely in Los Mochis, near the citys land and so today given the other fireworks during the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the city in 1963 launched a rocket from a packed baseball stadium, the great sporting passion Pacific . The novelty was that it was not Tultepec style pyrotechnics, but a device designed by a group of physicists and physics students University of San Luis Potosi , including Candelario Pérez and Juan Cardenas. This group spent several years designing solid fuel rocket launched from a place that, given the amount of cactus and cactus potosinos Cape was known as Tuna. The first major success of Potosi was the launch of a rocket the same year that the Soviets put Sputnik into orbit on 28 December 1957. Under the direction of Gustavo del Castillo and with a more or less a year of study did launch a projectile of 1.70 meters high and 8 kg of weight that reached a height of 2, 500 meters. The first rocket scientist Mexico had started the space age in Mexico. The joke was not in flare potosina rocket. Improved designs and the program continued until 1972, when it was canceled permanently. However, it has been the only Mexican spatial experience. I do not mean to walk Neri Vela orbital undoubtedly valuable, but almost entirely dependent on NASA. In 1958 the Ministry of Communications and Transport has launched a liquid-fueled rocket from Guanajuato. Meanwhile the project was still potosino parts of two stages and the design of artifacts of three. Back in the eighties the satellite into orbit Mexicans, although they were of foreign manufacture, allowed the development of space control capabilities, and made space center Iztapalapa. Which is the most logical reason for Johnny and Clara Brugada landed there. UNAM and more then developed as usual, a project of more than three stages, as five faculties, two general directions, eight runs, six institutes, trade unions and ninety two secretaries, called. University Research Program and Space Development (PUID rebel for short) has the most beautiful offspring, the UNAM-sat I exploded inside a Russian rocket in 1995. That was bad. The good news is that there was a spare. The ugly is that they canceled the program in 1997. Since then, they almost anything, except rumor, unconfirmed by this blogger, that the UNAM sat III will be released in October of 2010 bicentennial. This new satellite university has the peculiarity of being designed for research in early detection of earthquakes. Just as it sounds. Although research is an area neglected by many, the theoretical foundation is strong enough, or at least as consistent as other serious scientific speculations. It is assumed that the accumulated tension between two plates gets to produce noble gas ions at a concentration correlated directly with an earthquake. So a remote detection of trace amounts of these ions could generate alerts of earthquakes with more anticipation than today. Not bad if they can work.

anonymous sources confirmed in a queue for processing in a window of the UNAM, leaked to this blog the image of the prototype of the first spacecraft developed by the AEXA. In this artistic interpretation flies Channel overflow Company in Chalco.
But the aerospace industry is important to Mexico for many more reasons. Hits almost all areas of technological development, industrial, strategic, economic and academic. I know it's hard to understand, especially if you the viewer or reader is a deputy or senator. From the perspective of a state policy of science and technology are essential for the development of four main areas, defense, health, food and energy. Defending the development of missile systems is obvious. But fuel, electronics, remote sensing (nothing to do with Madame Sasu ) are equally important. In health, the development of medicines in zero gravity conditions, the study of disease in low gravity as with osteoporosis, in power only say that the Maruchan are space technology. On second thought that's an argument to ban not only space science, but until Christmas flares. The fact is that energy, fuel, batteries and solar cells are as daughters of space research. Up to City assemblyman understand. But it so happens that Space is much wider than predicted by theory on science policy. Materials development, communications systems, fire detection, reservoir, formation of highly qualified human resources, basic research in all fields. And all create wealth. And all this, gentlemen, is called Independence. The space industry is one of the clearest examples of science that seems to serve nothing but hits on the economy, geopolitics and academia of each country that has embraced it. So the AEXA mazacote not just another letter as FIDEDIDE, or CAPUFE. It is especially great news that we should be Easter celebrating all, along with the passage of chicharito Arsenal, even if you, avid reader, an American, a creationist, and also deputy.
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