few days ago a boy, a student of the Faculty of Sciences UNAM, died after falling from a fourth floor. One of his companions, apparently without knowing it, he took a picture and uploaded it to Facebook, in an album called rarities, along with some footage of stuffed animals. In that environment rebuked him and he argued that showing the shattered guts a colleague gives us information, which is also an act of freedom, independent expression, as good as not to show. Sure, if we are the university forensics club. Otherwise it is a violation of privacy and an act wild. Nonsense.
Take a picture of a corpse and upload it to a social network is not an act to provide information relevant to philosophical reflection about death, life or science, as no what is it to swap in cell phones, selling pirated CDs or post on the front page of a tabloid. Unless of course, deemed the alarm philosophical journal, as a Philosophy and Biology. In the first case it is snuff videos and last yellow. Both are a long distance meditation not only intelligent, but of journalism itself. On both the fun sister, both are means of entertainment, not knowledge. Sensationalism emerged in the late nineteenth century in New York at a time when newspaper sales were so evenly divided that it generated a fervent and absurd competition between publishers, who made anything to sell two or three more his contender. There was no journalistic decisions, as there are not a board to choose the contests move and color of the skirts of Maribel Guardia. There is also no information, except in the cybernetic sense, without adjectives.
information was essentially a message whose value depends on the circumstances of those involved in it. So that could be useful, useless, moral, technical or absurd. From the work of Shannon, Weiner and Chihuahua Rosenblueth, the concept changed information. Now is a stream of data units between two or more entities, irrelevant of interpreting, understanding and quality of it, and even the people who interact in it. The focus is on transmission and no matter what is broadcast, is just information. Rape, murder and even suicide of a colleague. It's just information. RIEF is time to put adjectives again.
Another argument to defend the right to release the photo in question was to state that students and clams are such animals as the writer, and therefore their images as equivalent to those of a dead snail. On the site of human beings in nature is impossible to say anything other than debate beyond primates suggest our status, but think that as molluscs and primates are heterotrophic is the same take a photo of an oyster sauce valentina than a teen shattered skull is not to understand anything for 15 or 20 years of going to school. The same argument of those who equate a zygote with a man and seeks to imprison it aborts.

Although there will be noted that the school itself is complicit. By definition the school is not space nor democratic nor equitable. If we vote, the matter becomes compulsory creationism, levitation classes supplement Newtonian mechanics, immunology and Reiki Maussán Tono Lazcano. The misunderstanding of this basic premise has led in the last forty years to dissolve education in an effort to avoid the authoritarianism that the governed. The trouble is that the new pass will result in a much greater violence, but so subtle that it is not easy look. El desorden se convirtió en libertad. Y así, junto con la tele y el Internet, la vacuidad escolar prolongó la infancia, es decir la rusticidad. Y no es que considere que los niños son impuros; es que pureza en este contexto no significa bondad ni inteligencia, significa vacío. Ni Sheldon Cooper compraría un disco duro para no abrirlo nunca en aras de preservar su pureza.
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