Saturday, June 5, 2010

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The great dinosaurs, the mammoth

Juan Bautista La Salle was a wealthy French Catholic who founded a brotherhood dedicated to the education of the poor than anyone could imagine today with the tuition they charge. What surprised me is that someone wants to pay after reading the ravings intellectuals appear on your alumni magazine, " Siempre Unidos" in September October 2009. In this issue there is an article devoted to developments in the prologue states that "until the century XIX the issue of living species had not attracted the attention of scientists "I do not think Aristotle," and line? And Buffon? Moreover, what William Paley? Paley is the one who sets the tone for modern ideas about creationism, though largely based on Thomas Aquinas.

good news is that point 1 is then called Creationism where we explain what is the ... fixity. You forgot to creationism! Perhaps as Paley was the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries not not know that existed. Then I thought (perceptively) that chance and later had a section called fixity que hablara de Creacionismo, pero no.

Afortunadamente las siguientes secciones ya versaban sobre la evolución, indicándonos por ejemplo que, Mediante la transformación de innumerables organismos, siempre más desarrollados y complejos, el proceso evolutivo termina con la aparición del hombre .” Vayamos por partes; en ningún lado, de ningún libro medio serio (no serio, serio), es posible encontrar una cosa que diga que la evolución produce organismos cada vez más desarrollado y menos aún que culmina y termina con los seres humanos. Por casos como este es que me opongo a que se use a los Simpson para enseñar evolución.

L fter the author is indignant and says " The function creates the organ is unacceptable. (...) Is inconceivable without digestion digestive . "Exiting the metro Chilpancingo, a few persons streets of your institution, find vendors carnivorous seedlings'm afraid, dear writer, they will deny, but no ill will and for only 10 bucks. Whereas the hygiene of the area will also flies and spiders more palatable to the seedling will second as they digest a piece of suadero externally.

later tells us that the two main works of Darwin are The Origin of Species and " The Descent of Man " (sic), clarified that the latter included the man Darwin. Rete that Darwin was ready, can you imagine that The Descent of Man , had spoken of rotifers and angiosperm epiphytes?

After several tests gives us that challenge evolution. " For example, large lizards, the mamout (sic) and mastodon species disappeared while they lasted they are much lower ." I wonder why it believes that the mamout exceeds one opossum. Evolution does not always promote complexity. A very simple intestinal lonely and confirmed structurally.

higher Evolutionarily, the mammoths are on the brink of extinction by the selective pressure and excessive hunting bubulubus pallet clown

then criticizes Darwin for around saying that " copies that survive will be improved because the struggle of unions strengthens and the most talented individuals produce best constituted ." At this point it occurred to me that perhaps the author was referring to Darwin, but Darwin Quintero the player, trying to explain why they lost a peel.

Later, the author questions the existence of natural selection and proof of this reminds us that " the lack of natural selection has forced scientists to use artificial selection to improve the species. "Er, is upside down sir. Artificial selection is the use of the phenomenon we call natural selection, and therefore concrete evidence of their existence.

and counter arguments from genetics: Heredity transmits specific characters, but does not transmit characters individual who generates "On second thought forget about the genetic grammar. What the hell did he mean? Pa

end reminded us that " The monkey is the animal that is more like the man, however, no difference anatomical, biological and psychological as important it is scientifically impossible to hold the man down monkey." And that is why, no scientist said such a thing.

All this string of hilarity and blunders made me believe that maybe it was an article sent by a former landfill writer of War Jokes, who read by chance a do you think and Weekly From faith simultaneously on the verge of his psychiatrist. But it is signed by a man named Luciano Barp Fontana, which he says the magazine is " professor and researcher at the Division of Graduate Studies and Research at the Universidad La Salle ."

Because you can not judging a publication for a single article I checked the remaining contents. It caught my attention an interesting article that discusses an alumnus the graphic design of the shields for NASA. Among other nice themes explains that "the bald eagle (...) refers to the United States, whose mascot is precisely this image that also appears in the coat of arms. "After bore accommodating the subject, verb and predicate in different positions to see if it made any sense, I realized that all his references were from Wikipedia. Positive thinking (for what the law of attraction) I guess it's alumni because they ran in the first half to go down its work on Wikipedia. Then I began to ruminate on what would be the mascot of Ukraine.

Another article Very nice and informative is that of an engineer who speaks about earthquakes whose appointments are among other Engineers and the ivory towers 1952, resistant structures 1984 and of National Geographic May 1986 (in English!) And of course after so much science it is crucial to a space of relaxation, healthy recreation, of playfulness. So she includes a chronicle of a spiritual cultural trip (not Cheleros such as the UNAM) to Germany. This cute story begins with the insightful warning the reader that " Germany is another culture." So if you thought was the same and that the desired day you send him to Providence Berlin land would find jicama with chile and chamoys leaving the subway, I am sorry to take away the illusion. And try not to send bad vibes that I'm just the messenger, the quarrel is with the De La Salle.

And then I say that public education is poor.


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