The games taken into account are from the World Cup, the Confederations Cup and the continental competitions from each relevant confederation (the European Championship, the African Nations Cup, the Copa América, the Gold Cup and the Asian Cup).
Saturday, 3 PM
Uruguay: Played 8, Won 4, Lost 4
South Korea: Played 6, Won 5, Lost 1
Uruguay have faced Brazil three times in shoot-outs, winning just the first of them, to claim the 1995 Copa América. They have never had a World Cup shoot-out, but they had to beat Australia on penalties to reach the 2002 finals.
South Korea (in)famously beat Spain in 2002 after a English goal had been wrongly ruled out by an Egyptian referee. The rest of their shoot-outs have come at regional level - including once in a different region altogether: invited to the 2002 Concacaf Gold Cup, they ungraciously beat Mexico in the quarter-finals. Their only loss was against Saudi Arabia in 1988.
URU: (4-4)
L COL, 1993 QF, 5-3
W BRA, 1995 F, 5-3
W PAR, 1999 QF, 5-3
W CHL, 1999 SF, 5-3
L HON, 2001 3, 5-4
W AUS, 2002 Q, 4-2
L BRA, 2004 SF, 5-3
L BRA, 2007 SF, 5-4
SKO: (5-1)
W IRQ, 1972 Q
W THA, 1972 SF, 2-1
L ARA, 1988 F, 4-3
W MEX, 2002 GC QF, 4-2
W SPA, 2002 QF, 5-3
W IRN, 2007 QF, 4-2
W JAP 2007 3, 6-5
Saturday, 19.30 PM
USA: Played 5, Won 4, Lost 1
Ghana: Played 2, Won 1, Lost 1
Impressive record for the USA, but they have only ever beaten teams from their own confederation (Honduras, Mexico, Canada and Panama). Their only defeat came against Colombia in 2000.
Both of Ghana's shootouts have been trophy deciders, in the final of the African Nations Cup. They beat Libya in 1982 and lost against Ivory Coast (11-10) in 1992.
USA: (4-1)
W HON, 1991 GC F, 4-3
W MEX, 1995 QF, 4-1
L COL, 2000 GC QF, 2-1
W CAN, 2002 GC SF, 4-2
W PAN, 2005 GC F, 3-1
GHA: (1-1)
W LBY, 1982 F, 7-6
L IVO, 1992 F, 11-10
Sunday, 3 PM
Argentina: Played 9, Won 6, Lost 3
Mexico: Played 10, Won 4, Lost 6
Lots of experience in this one, including an Argentinian victory over Mexico in the 2005 Confederations Cup. Argentina have been involved in no less than four World Cup shoot-outs, beating Yugoslavia and Italy in 1990 and England in 1998 before losing to Germany in 2006. They have also faced Brazil three times, all of them in Copa América ties, winning only the first of them.
Ten shootouts for Mexico, but only two in World Cups, both of which they have lost, and both in Concacaf soil. They started their sequence by going out of their own World Cup to West Germany in 1986, then to Bulgaria in USA 1994. Since then they have faced teams from all over (Denmark, Nigeria, South Korea, Peru...).
ARG: (6-3)
W YUG, 1990 QF, 3-2
W ITA, 1990 SF, 4-3
W BRA, 1993 QF, 6-5
W COL, 1993 SF, 6-5
L BRA, 1995 QF, 4-2
W ENG, 1998 OF, 4-3
L BRA, 2004 F, 4-2
W MEX, 2005 CC SF, 6-5
L GER, 2006 QF, 4-2
MEX: (4-6)
L GER, 1986, QF, 4-1
L BUL, 1994 OF, 3-1
L DEN, 1995 CC SF, 4-2
W NIG, 1995, CC 3, 5-4
L USA, 1995 QF, 4-1
W ECU, 1997 QF, 4-3
W PER, 1999 QF, 4-2
L SKO, 2002 GC QF, 4-2
L ARG, 2005 CC SF, 6-5
W CRC, 2009 GC SF, 5-3
Sunday, 19.30 PM
Germany: Played 6, Won 5, Lost 1
England: Played 6, Won 1, Lost 5
[Germany includes West Germany]
Out of six each, Germany have won five and England have lost five. The Germans started with their only loss, to Czechoslovakia in the final of the 1976 European Championship, featuring the famous Antonin Panenka penalty, then have beaten France, Mexico, England twice and Argentina.
England's only win came on home soil against Spain at Euro 1996. The others, as you know, have been losses versus Germany twice, Portugal twice and Argentina.
GER: (5-1)
L CZE, 1976 F, 5-3
W FRA, 1982 SF, 5-4
W MEX, 1986 QF, 4-1
W ENG, 1990 SF, 4-3
W ENG, 1996 SF, 6-5
W ARG, 2006 QF, 4-2
ENG (1-5)
L GER, 1990 SF, 4-3
W SPA, 1996 QF, 4-2
L GER, 1996 SF, 6-5
L ARG, 1998 OF, 4-3
L POR, 2004 QF, 6-5
L POR, 2006 QF, 3-1
Monday, 3 PM
Netherlands: Played 5, Won 1, Lost 4
Slovakia: Played 0.
[Czechoslovakia: Played 2, Won 2, Lost 0 (100%)]
The Netherlands rival England in the shootout-losing department. One more loss and they will be equally bad (or equally good). In the 12 years from 1992 to 2004, they faced a penalty shoot-out in all five tournaments they qualified for, losing the first four (against Denmark in 1992, France in 1996, Brazil in 1998 and Italy in 2000), before beating Sweden at Euro 2004.
Slovakia have never taken part in a penalty shoot-out (they have hardly ever been in a situation that could require it at the end of the game), but Czechoslovakia won the two they ever faced, winning Euro 1976 against West Germany and third place at Euro 1980 against Italy.
NET: (1-4)
L DEN, 1992 SF, 5-4
L FRA, 1996 QF, 5-4
L BRA, 1998 SF, 4-2
L ITA, 2000 SF, 3-1
W SWE, 2004 QF, 5-4
CZE: (2-2-0)
W GER, 1976 F, 5-3
W ITA, 1980 3, 9-8
Monday, 19.30 PM
Brazil: Played 9, Won 6, Lost 3
Chile: Played 1, Won 0, Lost 1
Brazil's nine shootouts divide equally: three against Argentina, three against Uruguay and three against the rest of the world (represented by France, Italy and the Netherlands). They didn't really get the hang of this at first, losing the first two they took part in (against France in 1986 and against Argentina in 1993) but, since then, only Uruguay have bested them. The most iconic of their participations was, of course, the 1994 World Cup final won against Italy. They're on a roll of four consecutive victories.
Chile, on the other hand, have had to go through the ordeal only once, and lost, against Uruguay in 1999.
BRA: (6-3)
L FRA, 1986 QF, 4-3
L ARG, 1993 QF, 6-5
W ITA, 1994 F, 3-2
W ARG, 1995 QF, 4-2
L URU, 1995 F, 5-3
W NET, 1998 SF, 4-2
W URU, 2004 SF, 5-3
W ARG, 2004 F, 4-2
W URU, 2007 SF, 5-4
CHL: (0-1)
L URU, 1999 SF, 5-3
Tuesday, 3 PM
Paraguay: Played 2, Won 0, Lost 2
Japan: Played 3, Won 2, Lost 1
Paraguay have always been gracious enough to depart the World Cup without requiring penalties. The two times they were required, in the Copa América, against Colombia in 1995 and Uruguay in 1999, Paraguay lost both.
Two of Japan's three shootouts came in the same competition, the 2007 Asian Cup, where they beat Australia in the quarter-finals, then lost for the third place against Korea.
PAR: (0-2)
L COL, 1995 QF, 5-4
L URU, 1999 QF, 5-3
JAP: (2-2)
W JOR, 2004 QF, 4-3
W AUS 2007 QF, 4-3
L KOR 2007 3, 6-5
Tuesday, 19.30 PM
Spain: Played 6, Won 3, Lost 3
Portugal: Played 2, Won 2, Lost 0
It really is a coin toss for Spain, with three won and three lost. Two of the teams who have beaten them, England and South Korea, are still in this year's competition.
Are Portugal good at this or are they just good against England? Their only two shootouts have been victories against the English.
SPA: (3-3)
W DEN, 1984 SF, 5-4
L BEL, 1986 QF, 5-4
L ENG, 1996 QF, W IRE
4-2, 2002 OF, 3-2
L Sko, 2002 QF, W
ITA 5-3, 2008 QF, 5-4
BUT: (2-0)
W ENG, 2004 QF, W 6-5
ENG, 2006 QF, 3-1
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