One of the most curious feeling that this victory has occurred is "finally." The "it was time." The "we deserved it after so long." Note the "us", where we slipped over the hill and grammar forties carotid million, despite playing only eleven every time. I find it curious, because those who are left meniscus and the metatarsals and sometimes to the meninges in the trade are no more than a few tens of twenties. These are maintained from an early struggle to realize a dream, and who should grab that feeling of years of meritoriaje rewarded. The others just see how they do, or how to fail in the attempt while we reward their dead cisco fresher. In one of the British promotion of World Cup broadcasts said, remembering his only victory in 1966: "He's only 25, But He's Been waiting for this moment for 44 years." That's right. That feeling of having reached the end of a journey of eighty has invaded the aforementioned forty-odd million, including those who were not born when you played the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930.
Where does this strange feeling? The football fans of the eleventh hour perhaps intuit in others to understand, but this victory means a validation of all the time, desire, dreams and even money that an amateur, including the variety couch potatoes, has been dedicated to roll this since I caught the virus. If someone wants to humiliate a football fan, he proposes the following year (not physical, quiet): calculates the number of parties who may have seen in your life (the league has 38 days per year, the selection plays a dozen times Seasonal, more champions, etc, say about 50 on average per year pulling at medium-low), multiply by two and acojonez-vous at the number of hours out there.
Well yesterday, are all for the better. Are all justified, and it is as if they had converted a career. Balompédica everything you have done in his life, from kicking beach balls to stick travel, early mornings and dislikes, is suddenly vindicated. Do you see how this is worth it, man (or, generally, women) of little faith? Is no longer a friquez, no bullshit, no absurdity. It's not like when a child begins to walk yours, of course, of course. Es .. more important.
Of course, this only works well if you give football one more dimension than a game. If what you like is football, you should give equal colorao team wins or the other, and holy Easter, and your sense of loss or gain should not vary by a further quíteme an offside. But of course, so the thing does not have one. To me the issue has caught me at a bad time in this regard. When I hit howls of young and I was frustrated when we threw the European Cup and the World, there was no way to win anything, and when I moved to Zen roll devil take the hindmost, and whom God has given, Maradona is the bless, is being when we are collecting more glasses than a deck of Heraclius Fournier. Four Champions in ten years, more than Euro 2008 and it Mundialcejo. Also, seeing no room or anything, heretic ground, seemed a typical Sunday. After finishing and talk to mom and hear the rockets phone and take a turn for the Internet to see who put more exclamation !!!!!!!, I ended up putting a couple of episodes of 'The big bang theory' before going on to a pal simple satisfaction vulgaris. Is one more now, it should be.
Now suppose that there are people that instead of saying that we will band garrulos, begin to use football to use as a model of coexistence between the Spains these disjointed by the same constitution. Those Catalans and Andalusians and Madrid and Basque and Asturian (well, only one Spaniard) forming a band of brothers in arms as one man (and woman) who go about regaining the world (Switzerland, Honduras, Chile, Portugal, Paraguay, Germany, Holland, Joe seems that the seventeenth century again.) And politicians could learn, and such.
Che. Cuidao. I do not confuse things. Pa shoot all the same goal is not the same as deciding whether abortion abortion yes or no, if yes bulls or bulls, or what language they are studying the gourd gourds at school when you move to Barcelona next month. In San Iker it's not even a Puyol header fix it all before half past ten at night. If the football has often underestimated, there will overestimate, and we define the terms. Besides, let me hissed a bit with this model of integration, where considered a triumph to focus an Andalusian and shot a Catalan. France 98 and Germany in 2010 are a mirror of multiethnic and multinational integration with Ghanaians, Caribbean, Turkish, Algerian, Brazilian, Polish (Poland) wearing the same shirt. Germany even has a English, Mario Gomez. We have not this time and led to Marcos Senna, and there is more exotic than a canary, Pedro Rodríguez. So that this union of our wills is, really, a little parochial.
Anyway, I could be all as easy as football. Who knows what has followed.
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