Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How Do Get A Golden Puffle
few days ago Gerardo Jiménez director of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN the guys pa) revealed the results of research that supported it several years, since 1998, the establishment of the institute who commands. The genome map of Mexicans are ready. This speaks of our origins and variations from other human groups. Sonsorprendentes results. After several million dollars and spent eleven years, we can be satisfied about this great project of the Mexican science gives us the unimaginable response in this great country that most people are ... mestizo
The Justice League Genomics.
A fight for eugenics!
Photo: Fabian Garcia, Agencia Reforma
To understand this great achievement of science we have Mexican define at least three things. The first ray means is that genome. It has two main meanings. The oldest refers to all alleles of a species. So we can speak of the genome of Mus musculus , the genome of Drosophila melanogaster and of course, Homo sapiens sapiens . The second is the synonymy with genotype, ie genetic characteristics of a particular individual.
The second concept to be defined, is Mexican. This is more complicated. Can refer to several authors ranging from Fray Servando, the liberators, Liberals, Conservatives, Samuel Ramos, Octavio Paz , Roger Barta, Santiago Ramirez and a long and varied and so forth. And between this and his idea Vasconcelos, close to National Socialism as a whole at that time, the cosmic race. The reason for this difficulty in defining a "spirit of the Mexican" is its enormous diversity, including ethnic and cultural.
finally say that a genetic map is the base sequence of a genome, ie the order of adenine, guanine, cytokines, etc. Because there are enzymes that cut DNA at very specific sequences can be broken into pieces a DNA molecule. A molecule attacked by another enzyme like other bits will differ. As we know order of bases where they cut each type of enzyme can be a puzzle of the total sequence. Of course the results depend on the samples taken. Depending on who you take a sample will result. However
allelic differences between human populations are so meager that has led to most biologists and anthropologists in the world to believe that races do not exist and is only minimal phenotypic biologically irrelevant. Of course it is undeniable that a hunter dwarf physically differs from one vendor and an Eskimo Bonica Uruguayan poet, and that some groups are more susceptible to genetic defects as Tay Sachs syndrome among some Jews.
This leads us to wonder why they chose the Zapotec as donors of samples? What would have happened if instead they chose to appear closer puerépechas the Peruvian groups than other groups in Mexico?. Or rather, to donors The Plum in the Oaxacan coast, an area with a large population of African origin. "Genes would increase our percentage of" African "?
Just do not know whether Tutsi or otentotes Zulus. What Mennonites Are not these Mexicans? And Carlos Slim, Mauricio Garcés and chokecherry of Lebanese origin? And the kikapús trapped between Mexico and the U.S.? Somebody think of the Kickapoo!
What if Guatemala, Texas and California had not been independent? Would be 40% Native American. Voooy. What little there genomes for each state in the world? Yugoslavia's then changed to the division from 1989 to 2006. It would be an interesting biological phenomenon because its genome have evolved and have emerged, as the genome motenegrino.
Another novelty of this work is that northern Mexicans are a bit more European and South American Indians a little more.
Results but to show the origin of all Mexicans shows us what they think of the Mexican who chose the sample. A self-fulfilling prophecy.
By the way the American Indian category includes those? "Tierra del Fuego in Patagonia, guachihliles as my great-grandmother, and Navajos?. And the Kickapoo? Somebody think of the Kickapoo! On this continent before European migration, at least there have been three major migrations. Within each one of them an enormous family diversification and sub-language that tell the separation not only language, but the population. That I found even in the very interesting. I mean, to help lower the cost of INMEGEN. Lest you want to repeat the study in Argentina by other milloncitos in between to find that the Argentines are mostly Italian and English.
Although such a project would be cheaper. Ours was not a cheap project, no sir. It was expensive but I think what we are worth. Among other things, my namesake Jimenez says, because in Mexico there have been too many migrations.
should be given a book of European history. Neapolitan and Lapps as if they could put in the same boat. Or some are thinking that Adam and Eve were the first men (Caucasians) and Eden was in Bergen Norway? Believe it or not there groups of farmers and mountaineers gringos who have defended a similar idea (why I wrote idea?)
But hey, we friends say INMEGEN coat is that served to "diagnosis and treatment of common ailments Mexican population, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension (...) " It will enable us to save $ 237 million set aside in preventing her diabetes treatment. How? Maybe some alleles involving people with diabetes and then recommend to the carriers to change the diet typical urban Mexican H till 75 percent of calories (increases if the fatties big boy breakfast are pressed and are fried in pork fat). So if you do not want diabetes to stop eating a tamale cakes every day, increase your consumption of vegetables and exercise. It is medicine of the future. Claro, should be tested to see if it is the bearer of those alleles in particular, the tests cost about $ 10 wholesale for only a few alleles. but there is not, there's more advanced benefits of genomic medicine in Mexico. When Jimenez presented the results said that now would be more prepared for emergencies like this epidemic of H1N1. Probably making about 110 million pa genetic scanners know who is more susceptible to this strain, which certainly will change in three months. How many millions we saving?
True, this is a unique study of its kind, probably because no one would spend that kind of money on something so absurd.
The 2.3 trillion calculations per second in the computer used is a clear example that making measurements, make huge amounts of data, tables and graphs do not only not science, but that is not even directly related to intelligence. Ask the right questions will always be very important how to get the right answers. Mexico is the only genome Genome Lab, which sadly is not an example of Mexican science tesito sells for only the grandmothers dressed as medicines. Without research, without development, without double-blind, nothing. They are so
drug like tonicol and as scientific as the genome map of Mexico.
Actium lappa , main ingredient Axepsia . A vague friend of mine keeps your complexion with freshness tired because I always wake up one of these little plants in a vacant lot Just outside, a machine shop in Mixcoac.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Treadmill Belt Powder
these circumstances, in an act of courage epidemiological, something never done in the history of the monkeys went monthly columana (ie 5 numbers), writing lyrics S decided to put in its online edition an extended version of this month's column, I reproduce it here.
On 23 April, the feast of St. John and the book, at 23 hours, the federal secretary of Health, in conference Press, announced the emergency epidemiological about swine flu. Six hours later there were several social networks and views that it was all a ploy hatched from power with a view to the forthcoming elections. So according to this would be a conspiracy among the street vendors of masks, pharmacies, the Presidency of the Republic, the mayor of Mexico City the World Health Organization, the state of California, several transnational laboratories, and in particular to support heads the nominations for the borough of Mexico City. The funny thing is that the American far right was saying the same thing about HIV. Juice Therapy
Another anti-AIDS
April 23, 1984 the Secretary of Health of the United States, Margaret Heckler, announced officially the existence of HIV. Almost from the moment the theories of conspiracy abounded. For example, James Wickstorm, probably a pseudonym, claimed in a video of the former Montana Militia HIV as a biological weapon to restrict the freedoms of American white citizens. Less absurd but equally irrational were the allegations of so-called Perth Group, formed at the beginning by several Australians, none of them virologist / immunologist. According to them, AIDS was not caused by HIV, but to factors such as malnutrition, poverty, and especially cellular oxidation. So the consumption of antioxidants such as oranges, carrots and kiwi could be part of the therapy. No African government lacked the will make the epidemic worse case in its territory. The most serious case of denial of HIV / AIDS, for its hitherto undisputed prestige, is that of Peter Duesberg. This scientist suggested that AIDS was due to drugs ranging from cocaine to the same drugs against HIV. It is clear that all these conjectures are false and can not withstand any serious analysis. Interestingly, it was the same Duesberg that in the early seventies discovered some features of the genome of influenza viruses that have been relevant for understanding the current outbreaks.
not magic or plot
The plots are, why or what, but conspiracy theories always imagine immeasurable power, enemies are everywhere, they know everything, infallible, inexhaustible resources and seek to give all power to Jews, Freemasons, communists or El Yunque. Maybe they have less glamorous, but the influenza virus and HIV exist, the suffering and deaths are real. Microorganisms, although invisible, are very real disease and epidemics as well and this city is very clear. Smallpox birthmark to the capital in 1521, measles in 1545; typhus in 1576 and 1581, smallpox in 1743 and 1797 (with the Health Christ walking in the Zócalo and Dr. Bartolache firing guns into the wind to kill the smallpox imagined in the air); more smallpox 1804; in 1918 English flu (a variety of these days that killed 18 million people worldwide) in 1957, meningitis, etc. So now you know, the spread is real, so please use condoms and masks. Just do not do it at the same time.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Jialongpaianti Sanye Adiposo Tea
1 What is a virus?. Good question, I should probably start there. Viruses are biological entities formed by a protective structure called a capsid, usually made of proteins surrounding genetic material of any kind, either DNA or RNA. As in the strict sense is not a regular cell are not considered living organisms. The unique quality of living they have is their ability to reproduce which can only take place inside a cell. Used throughout the system to infect the cell to reproduce. This usually results in the death of infected cells. Viruses are extremely small, hundreds of them may affect a single cell becomes a factory of new viruses that infect many other cell. For example, in the case of AIDS the HIV virus uses the cells of the immune system to reproduce causing death and leaving it at the mercy of any illness the whole organism.
2 How is the influenza virus?. It is a spherical virus with a series of anchored proteins in a lipid layer. Both foreign proteins as this double layer of lipids form the capsid that surrounds the virus's genetic material found in the "instructions" for virus replication.

3 How is the hereditary material of the virus? This virus has the genetic material RNA that differs in structure and composition of DNA. The single-stranded RNA is not double as DNA. Instead of being formed by adenine, guanine and thymine Cytokine latter is replaced by Uracil. The RNA of influenza virus is not found as a continuous strand, if not in several segments. In particular, we recognize eight segments, each of which relates directly to one or two proteins.

5 How were combined genetic characteristics? The viruses are usually specific to one type of organism, but as said sometimes can infect more than one species, or simply can be found viral particles in the same body. The reason that this variety has recognized RNA fragments in strains that infect other species, including birds, is that were mixed in an intermediate body, the opinion the pig. Avian influenza virus probably infected with a pig, in turn infected their own strain of swine influenza and human influenza viruses. Imagine a cell with viral particles of the three types of virus, all very similar. It's like having three distinct parts cars designed on the same platform. It is possible to assemble a car with features of the original three. The result in this case was a small SUV, but could be a tank.
6 And no, that does not increase the chances of a little pig with wings.
Arnoldo Krauze says the only people killed were in Mexico shows the shortcomings of the infra structure that increases the time health care. However, the infrastructure also includes the intellectual part of the population, as it affects blindly believe the most outlandish mad and distrustful of any technical information. So I think that this epidemic is an opportunity to get on this wave and fight for two things: to ban forever the use of tie and to see the importance of science in society, not only in to research but as part of the daily life of citizens. Perhaps the fact that election season is help raise science to the party platforms. Not only that, recognize the importance of those who work and research, theorize, teach, analyze. This time it went pretty well, despite the shortcomings. Why? Part of the answer lies in science, those who make it in labs, who applied in the field, making some policy decisions. Where have things gone right is where the element failed, discrimination, lack of hygiene, partisan pettiness, stupidity economic and conspiracy theories.
Now we are back to normal, full of bullets , decapitated, Noronha, Master ... it is important to remember that this morning the Korean ambassador in Mexico So Jae Myong said, " influenza should not divide the world should unite instead through science and solidarity. "
Still mutating? And please do not, especially if you are a virus.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Difference Between Heartgard And Interceptor
Here is an option for protection in times of influenza.
Cost To Remove Sebaceous Cyst Dog
few days ago in The New York Times Dr. Peter Palus Mount Sinai Medical Center published a number of arguments that must be considered to be suspicious of this viral epidemic or to be optimistic about it . Using part of both the information and how it has been updating the Dr. Vincent Racaniello Department of Microbiology, Columbia University, will try to document a bit of pessimism and optimism brimming in which oscillate.
2. Truth is transmitted from human to human and has been isolated on four continents, unlike other viruses such as the avian flu. The avian influenza virus required large amounts of virus to cause an infection, not to mention that it could never convincingly proven the spread from one human to another. People become infected through contact with poultry such as chickens and hens.
3. This virus seems to have an unusual strength to appear in the off-season outbreaks. It's really strange influenza virus found during this period in the northern hemisphere, just as the southern winter begins. This could send the epidemic to the south, where at least in New Zealand and Australia are cases already checked.
4. The acquisition of genes from other varieties of human influenza virus or other species has given these unusual features. This is a natural process in many viruses, however, is a process that can not be predicted.
- The oft since 1976 outbreak at Fort Dix, yet verifying the spread between people in the end it proved too virulent. It is quite likely to think that current data is not as virulent as the 1918. Its virulence seems to be close to that of other strains of influenza.
- The seasonal factor seems to be affecting its spread. So stop complaining about this bloody and unbearable heat.
- virus no molecular features present in the 1918 strain and the avian flu a few years ago, especially a protein called PB1-F2, which appeared to relate to its high pathogenicity .
- Experience can be helpful in the development of containment strategies, development of new antiviral drugs and above all some kind of universal vaccination for all varieties of influence. It was a shock preparatory.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Liv Tyler Shoes Size Feet
Of course, one of the basic issues had to say was this. Sorry and thanks to those who did see. What what the hell does the H and N? It is true but I will post them tomorrow. Why? For in truth there is to say something more than conspiracy theories given the huge number of emails I have received several forwarded versions, is incredible. So here is an account of which I have learned, some are real gems, other public areas. Finally, a light at the moment of descent of the curve (at least this first corner)
1 The G20. To this we must also blame confusing to some, lacks any imagination and grace. I guess the author is delusional in great improvement of neurological conditions, but even speculated about the evil intentions of gruspúsculos in power, and he still hit them understand despite medication. Yes, everything is the fault of the G20 or Nacho says Lozano, the G19 + Mexico. During the last meeting held to agree to shovel the global crisis by launching a disease and then selling each other face masks, gels with alcohol, video games, Matatena and other gadgets to survive the ancestral human boredom.
2 course is always the most boring on the drug are those who built this mutant virus and now have vaccines. (ZZZZZZ)
3 With more ingenuity is to learn that Obama's recent visit was sick with the flu, part of an attack to remove it, and spread to the sick boy and director of the Museum of Anthropology (Who has in his mictlan Huitzilopochtli). Of course the U.S. president was treated in time and saved but let's here your dirt H1N1-one. 5
this variant is that it came to be agreed with Calderon to launch an experimental virus that would control the narcos.
6 Well, of course, the first I saw on Facebook. Everything is an invention of Calderón to test a state of siege. See ...
7 Another version of Obama, but more crazy (and that by following the links of referrals led me to a site of pure plots in Tijuana), is actually the U.S. wants to absorb, first the Mexican army (Hence the participation in UNITAS), then all of Mexico, to appropriate the oil and water. So Iztapalapa probably be able to maintain their independence, or at least be the Commonwealth.
8 The collaboration seems Dan Brown is that of the Illuminati. They control the media and want to kill 6000 million people to regain control of the Catholic Church. For they are not as evil as they seem, deep down they want world peace but can only be achieved with small populations (that comes in a secret document of the Kennedy presidency.) Fortunately the same "journalist" that made the report gives a recipe for olive oil with cinnamon and rosemary with which it heals the influenza. I do not know if it is smeared or put on some leaves of romaine lettuce. There's one more crappy in which the UN also wants to reduce the population to achieve peace and stop climate change. One that does not exist but have been wonderful if true, is that it was Al Gore who intends to break the population and stop the greenhouse effect. Knowing the history of Gore and his love of UFOs not unusual.
9 An unusually candid I think (but it worked on a script would be a fun movie with Jesus Ochoa), is that everything is the fault of Chapo. This powerful character drug stole a laboratory experimental virus Michigan (will not be Michoacán?) to release it in Mexico and the Mexican government attack that keeps you do business as it should. The only bad thing is that until now the only political figure that has stuck is the poor Camacho Solis (for now) is the other side of Calderon. The latter breaks up (so to speak) the hypothesis (also a mean) of Fernando Noronha that it is a better strategy for Calderon in the polls due to elections.
10 The most fun, and that unfortunately is not really a conspiracy theory because it was an irony of Gabriela Warkentin, Julio Patan and others is that it is a conspiracy of Guanajuato PAN mayors seeking and achieving his greatest dream. Having all Mexican families together, stuck at home, if they come back before 6 pm and, most importantly, no touching or kissing. We assume that they went to steal a sample of Celaya CINVESTAV mutant and used to disperse Irapuato strawberries are also credited with pig poop.
The plots are, why or what, but conspiracy theories always imagine the immeasurable power, enemies are everywhere, they know everything, infallible, inexhaustible resources and seek to give all power to Jews, Freemasons, the anvil, the aliens ... by the way, I have not heard any about the aliens. Now that's weird.
Addendum acute
Alfredo Jalifealways seemed to me admirable for its ability to find correlations. But correlations do not always cause and effect. Sadly his undoubted intelligence and cultural strength every day overflows axons and becomes the consistency of a chocolate sundae. Sunday in space implies Day after long, long, laargos paragraphs, and a multitude of logical meanders all has been plotted by NORAD
... What is NORAD? Command North American Aerospace (recontracaspita!!) The hypothesis of the aliens are getting closer ... and that it changes the alien plans this blog tomorrow.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Milena Velba Black See
As most of the questions that came are practical things I hope will be useful
1 What emerged in more than one part of this disease? Unlikely to arise in the same viral strain at the same time. This implies that there is a continuous family (ancestor descendant) between all viruses in the world. This means that there is also a continuous material from all infected persons or have been in contact with the virus. The reconstruction of the mode of transmission of all cases is impossible. However with the data known until now, it is likely that Mexico reached U.S., especially from California. It's easy to assume that was through a tourist or a migrant.
2 Will there be people immune?. is likely but is impossible to know at this time. Even knowing that, as in case of HIV, it can not be sick but if transmitter the virus to others. The best thing is to consider that we are all likely to get sick.
3 Does the flu can be cured with the use of magnets?. Definitely not. Nor with equine.
4 What I can kiss my family?. Sure. You can hug and kiss your partner, parents, children and may even have sex. (With strangers, I do not recommend). Raise hygiene and avoid where possible contact with more people, especially in crowds. This is to prevent dispersal.
5 Then the conglomerations are dangerous. Agglomerations, yes, but the crowding not because they are united sets of pebbles or other materials such as wood chips. They are only dangerous if you drop a very large head.
6 I use the face mask while driving. It is not necessary (unless you drive is a minibus).
7 And in the public transport? Is indispensable. The virus is potentially infectious for hours, unlike HIV which is extremely labile, it can be caught by contact with surfaces where it was posted hours earlier. For example, someone who is a carrier can sneeze and hours later another person touching the surface, put their hands in their mouths and become infected. far as possible do not use metro or bus. Walk, take the bike. If you can use taxi, do it with masks. If you live in Tacubaya flat and works in Pantitlán, masks, do not touch your face and wash arrive. Let's be clear, the influenza A/H1N1 virus was only transmitted in three ways: a) by direct contact with an infected person. b) contact with objects which have been deposited (called fomites are like vectors, but inorganic), that includes handrails, doorknobs, bottles of beer at the nightclub and internet cafe keyboard. c) viral particles in suspension by sneezing.
8 What if I see a zombie shot him in the street? No. Just do not kiss or the handshake.
9 How many types of influenza are there? There are many types of influenza virus in humans, several of them give the same signs and symptoms and is clinically indistinguishable. From 1977 until before the start of this mess seemingly two strains circulating, the H1N1 and H3N2. Yet they were the only ones. Data are from 1889, with a guy called H2N2, another en1900 known as H3N8, H1N1 in 1918 (the famous English flu that killed, depending on who you read, between 18 and 50 million people worldwide. So panic) , H2N2 in 1957, H3N2 in 1968 and again in 76/77 H1N1. The latter is of which I spoke yesterday and from which samples were stored in CDC's pregnant lady. Certainly that data initially passed me dr. Laura Vargas stop UNAM FM. The now is a variant of H1N1, it takes an A before.
10 Do I feel panic about the flu epidemic? If you still believe that magnets cure, yes. Otherwise no, because so far all evidence suggests that it is curable. Leave as little as possible from home, increase hygiene, that's all. It is important to give the proper dimension to this is a disease, is nothing supernatural. Fortunately it is not fatal in all cases, is curable, but it is very, very contagious and easy complication to more severe states. It is not a joke, take it seriously, but not crazy.
Still Panics?