Friday, May 8, 2009

Treadmill Belt Powder

genetic Mapamundi influenza epidemic with you

these circumstances, in an act of courage epidemiological, something never done in the history of the monkeys went monthly columana (ie 5 numbers), writing lyrics S decided to put in its online edition an extended version of this month's column, I reproduce it here.

Influenza and conspiracy theories

On 23 April, the feast of St. John and the book, at 23 hours, the federal secretary of Health, in conference Press, announced the emergency epidemiological about swine flu. Six hours later there were several social networks and views that it was all a ploy hatched from power with a view to the forthcoming elections. So according to this would be a conspiracy among the street vendors of masks, pharmacies, the Presidency of the Republic, the mayor of Mexico City the World Health Organization, the state of California, several transnational laboratories, and in particular to support heads the nominations for the borough of Mexico City. The funny thing is that the American far right was saying the same thing about HIV. Juice Therapy

Another anti-AIDS
April 23, 1984 the Secretary of Health of the United States, Margaret Heckler, announced officially the existence of HIV. Almost from the moment the theories of conspiracy abounded. For example, James Wickstorm, probably a pseudonym, claimed in a video of the former Montana Militia HIV as a biological weapon to restrict the freedoms of American white citizens. Less absurd but equally irrational were the allegations of so-called Perth Group, formed at the beginning by several Australians, none of them virologist / immunologist. According to them, AIDS was not caused by HIV, but to factors such as malnutrition, poverty, and especially cellular oxidation. So the consumption of antioxidants such as oranges, carrots and kiwi could be part of the therapy. No African government lacked the will make the epidemic worse case in its territory. The most serious case of denial of HIV / AIDS, for its hitherto undisputed prestige, is that of Peter Duesberg. This scientist suggested that AIDS was due to drugs ranging from cocaine to the same drugs against HIV. It is clear that all these conjectures are false and can not withstand any serious analysis. Interestingly, it was the same Duesberg that in the early seventies discovered some features of the genome of influenza viruses that have been relevant for understanding the current outbreaks.

not magic or plot
The plots are, why or what, but conspiracy theories always imagine immeasurable power, enemies are everywhere, they know everything, infallible, inexhaustible resources and seek to give all power to Jews, Freemasons, communists or El Yunque. Maybe they have less glamorous, but the influenza virus and HIV exist, the suffering and deaths are real. Microorganisms, although invisible, are very real disease and epidemics as well and this city is very clear. Smallpox birthmark to the capital in 1521, measles in 1545; typhus in 1576 and 1581, smallpox in 1743 and 1797 (with the Health Christ walking in the Zócalo and Dr. Bartolache firing guns into the wind to kill the smallpox imagined in the air); more smallpox 1804; in 1918 English flu (a variety of these days that killed 18 million people worldwide) in 1957, meningitis, etc. So now you know, the spread is real, so please use condoms and masks. Just do not do it at the same time.


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