As most of the questions that came are practical things I hope will be useful
1 What emerged in more than one part of this disease? Unlikely to arise in the same viral strain at the same time. This implies that there is a continuous family (ancestor descendant) between all viruses in the world. This means that there is also a continuous material from all infected persons or have been in contact with the virus. The reconstruction of the mode of transmission of all cases is impossible. However with the data known until now, it is likely that Mexico reached U.S., especially from California. It's easy to assume that was through a tourist or a migrant.
2 Will there be people immune?. is likely but is impossible to know at this time. Even knowing that, as in case of HIV, it can not be sick but if transmitter the virus to others. The best thing is to consider that we are all likely to get sick.
3 Does the flu can be cured with the use of magnets?. Definitely not. Nor with equine.
4 What I can kiss my family?. Sure. You can hug and kiss your partner, parents, children and may even have sex. (With strangers, I do not recommend). Raise hygiene and avoid where possible contact with more people, especially in crowds. This is to prevent dispersal.
5 Then the conglomerations are dangerous. Agglomerations, yes, but the crowding not because they are united sets of pebbles or other materials such as wood chips. They are only dangerous if you drop a very large head.
6 I use the face mask while driving. It is not necessary (unless you drive is a minibus).
7 And in the public transport? Is indispensable. The virus is potentially infectious for hours, unlike HIV which is extremely labile, it can be caught by contact with surfaces where it was posted hours earlier. For example, someone who is a carrier can sneeze and hours later another person touching the surface, put their hands in their mouths and become infected. far as possible do not use metro or bus. Walk, take the bike. If you can use taxi, do it with masks. If you live in Tacubaya flat and works in Pantitlán, masks, do not touch your face and wash arrive. Let's be clear, the influenza A/H1N1 virus was only transmitted in three ways: a) by direct contact with an infected person. b) contact with objects which have been deposited (called fomites are like vectors, but inorganic), that includes handrails, doorknobs, bottles of beer at the nightclub and internet cafe keyboard. c) viral particles in suspension by sneezing.
8 What if I see a zombie shot him in the street? No. Just do not kiss or the handshake.
9 How many types of influenza are there? There are many types of influenza virus in humans, several of them give the same signs and symptoms and is clinically indistinguishable. From 1977 until before the start of this mess seemingly two strains circulating, the H1N1 and H3N2. Yet they were the only ones. Data are from 1889, with a guy called H2N2, another en1900 known as H3N8, H1N1 in 1918 (the famous English flu that killed, depending on who you read, between 18 and 50 million people worldwide. So panic) , H2N2 in 1957, H3N2 in 1968 and again in 76/77 H1N1. The latter is of which I spoke yesterday and from which samples were stored in CDC's pregnant lady. Certainly that data initially passed me dr. Laura Vargas stop UNAM FM. The now is a variant of H1N1, it takes an A before.
10 Do I feel panic about the flu epidemic? If you still believe that magnets cure, yes. Otherwise no, because so far all evidence suggests that it is curable. Leave as little as possible from home, increase hygiene, that's all. It is important to give the proper dimension to this is a disease, is nothing supernatural. Fortunately it is not fatal in all cases, is curable, but it is very, very contagious and easy complication to more severe states. It is not a joke, take it seriously, but not crazy.
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