1 What is a virus?. Good question, I should probably start there. Viruses are biological entities formed by a protective structure called a capsid, usually made of proteins surrounding genetic material of any kind, either DNA or RNA. As in the strict sense is not a regular cell are not considered living organisms. The unique quality of living they have is their ability to reproduce which can only take place inside a cell. Used throughout the system to infect the cell to reproduce. This usually results in the death of infected cells. Viruses are extremely small, hundreds of them may affect a single cell becomes a factory of new viruses that infect many other cell. For example, in the case of AIDS the HIV virus uses the cells of the immune system to reproduce causing death and leaving it at the mercy of any illness the whole organism.
2 How is the influenza virus?. It is a spherical virus with a series of anchored proteins in a lipid layer. Both foreign proteins as this double layer of lipids form the capsid that surrounds the virus's genetic material found in the "instructions" for virus replication.

3 How is the hereditary material of the virus? This virus has the genetic material RNA that differs in structure and composition of DNA. The single-stranded RNA is not double as DNA. Instead of being formed by adenine, guanine and thymine Cytokine latter is replaced by Uracil. The RNA of influenza virus is not found as a continuous strand, if not in several segments. In particular, we recognize eight segments, each of which relates directly to one or two proteins.

5 How were combined genetic characteristics? The viruses are usually specific to one type of organism, but as said sometimes can infect more than one species, or simply can be found viral particles in the same body. The reason that this variety has recognized RNA fragments in strains that infect other species, including birds, is that were mixed in an intermediate body, the opinion the pig. Avian influenza virus probably infected with a pig, in turn infected their own strain of swine influenza and human influenza viruses. Imagine a cell with viral particles of the three types of virus, all very similar. It's like having three distinct parts cars designed on the same platform. It is possible to assemble a car with features of the original three. The result in this case was a small SUV, but could be a tank.
6 And no, that does not increase the chances of a little pig with wings.
Arnoldo Krauze says the only people killed were in Mexico shows the shortcomings of the infra structure that increases the time health care. However, the infrastructure also includes the intellectual part of the population, as it affects blindly believe the most outlandish mad and distrustful of any technical information. So I think that this epidemic is an opportunity to get on this wave and fight for two things: to ban forever the use of tie and to see the importance of science in society, not only in to research but as part of the daily life of citizens. Perhaps the fact that election season is help raise science to the party platforms. Not only that, recognize the importance of those who work and research, theorize, teach, analyze. This time it went pretty well, despite the shortcomings. Why? Part of the answer lies in science, those who make it in labs, who applied in the field, making some policy decisions. Where have things gone right is where the element failed, discrimination, lack of hygiene, partisan pettiness, stupidity economic and conspiracy theories.
Now we are back to normal, full of bullets , decapitated, Noronha, Master ... it is important to remember that this morning the Korean ambassador in Mexico So Jae Myong said, " influenza should not divide the world should unite instead through science and solidarity. "
Still mutating? And please do not, especially if you are a virus.
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