Thursday, May 21, 2009

How Do Get A Golden Puffle

few days ago Gerardo Jiménez director of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN the guys pa) revealed the results of research that supported it several years, since 1998, the establishment of the institute who commands. The genome map of Mexicans are ready. This speaks of our origins and variations from other human groups. Sonsorprendentes results. After several million dollars and spent eleven years, we can be satisfied about this great project of the Mexican science gives us the unimaginable response in this great country that most people are ... mestizo

The Justice League Genomics.

A fight for eugenics!

Photo: Fabian Garcia, Agencia Reforma

To understand this great achievement of science we have Mexican define at least three things. The first ray means is that genome. It has two main meanings. The oldest refers to all alleles of a species. So we can speak of the genome of Mus musculus , the genome of Drosophila melanogaster and of course, Homo sapiens sapiens . The second is the synonymy with genotype, ie genetic characteristics of a particular individual.

The second concept to be defined, is Mexican. This is more complicated. Can refer to several authors ranging from Fray Servando, the liberators, Liberals, Conservatives, Samuel Ramos, Octavio Paz , Roger Barta, Santiago Ramirez and a long and varied and so forth. And between this and his idea Vasconcelos, close to National Socialism as a whole at that time, the cosmic race. The reason for this difficulty in defining a "spirit of the Mexican" is its enormous diversity, including ethnic and cultural.

finally say that a genetic map is the base sequence of a genome, ie the order of adenine, guanine, cytokines, etc. Because there are enzymes that cut DNA at very specific sequences can be broken into pieces a DNA molecule. A molecule attacked by another enzyme like other bits will differ. As we know order of bases where they cut each type of enzyme can be a puzzle of the total sequence. Of course the results depend on the samples taken. Depending on who you take a sample will result. However

allelic differences between human populations are so meager that has led to most biologists and anthropologists in the world to believe that races do not exist and is only minimal phenotypic biologically irrelevant. Of course it is undeniable that a hunter dwarf physically differs from one vendor and an Eskimo Bonica Uruguayan poet, and that some groups are more susceptible to genetic defects as Tay Sachs syndrome among some Jews.

This leads us to wonder why they chose the Zapotec as donors of samples? What would have happened if instead they chose to appear closer puerépechas the Peruvian groups than other groups in Mexico?. Or rather, to donors The Plum in the Oaxacan coast, an area with a large population of African origin. "Genes would increase our percentage of" African "?

Just do not know whether Tutsi or otentotes Zulus. What Mennonites Are not these Mexicans? And Carlos Slim, Mauricio Garcés and chokecherry of Lebanese origin? And the kikapús trapped between Mexico and the U.S.? Somebody think of the Kickapoo!

What if Guatemala, Texas and California had not been independent? Would be 40% Native American. Voooy. What little there genomes for each state in the world? Yugoslavia's then changed to the division from 1989 to 2006. It would be an interesting biological phenomenon because its genome have evolved and have emerged, as the genome motenegrino.

Another novelty of this work is that northern Mexicans are a bit more European and South American Indians a little more.

Results but to show the origin of all Mexicans shows us what they think of the Mexican who chose the sample. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

By the way the American Indian category includes those? "Tierra del Fuego in Patagonia, guachihliles as my great-grandmother, and Navajos?. And the Kickapoo? Somebody think of the Kickapoo! On this continent before European migration, at least there have been three major migrations. Within each one of them an enormous family diversification and sub-language that tell the separation not only language, but the population. That I found even in the very interesting. I mean, to help lower the cost of INMEGEN. Lest you want to repeat the study in Argentina by other milloncitos in between to find that the Argentines are mostly Italian and English.

Although such a project would be cheaper. Ours was not a cheap project, no sir. It was expensive but I think what we are worth. Among other things, my namesake Jimenez says, because in Mexico there have been too many migrations.

should be given a book of European history. Neapolitan and Lapps as if they could put in the same boat. Or some are thinking that Adam and Eve were the first men (Caucasians) and Eden was in Bergen Norway? Believe it or not there groups of farmers and mountaineers gringos who have defended a similar idea (why I wrote idea?)

But hey, we friends say INMEGEN coat is that served to "diagnosis and treatment of common ailments Mexican population, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension (...) " It will enable us to save $ 237 million set aside in preventing her diabetes treatment. How? Maybe some alleles involving people with diabetes and then recommend to the carriers to change the diet typical urban Mexican H till 75 percent of calories (increases if the fatties big boy breakfast are pressed and are fried in pork fat). So if you do not want diabetes to stop eating a tamale cakes every day, increase your consumption of vegetables and exercise. It is medicine of the future. Claro, should be tested to see if it is the bearer of those alleles in particular, the tests cost about $ 10 wholesale for only a few alleles. but there is not, there's more advanced benefits of genomic medicine in Mexico. When Jimenez presented the results said that now would be more prepared for emergencies like this epidemic of H1N1. Probably making about 110 million pa genetic scanners know who is more susceptible to this strain, which certainly will change in three months. How many millions we saving?

True, this is a unique study of its kind, probably because no one would spend that kind of money on something so absurd.

The 2.3 trillion calculations per second in the computer used is a clear example that making measurements, make huge amounts of data, tables and graphs do not only not science, but that is not even directly related to intelligence. Ask the right questions will always be very important how to get the right answers. Mexico is the only genome Genome Lab, which sadly is not an example of Mexican science tesito sells for only the grandmothers dressed as medicines. Without research, without development, without double-blind, nothing. They are so

drug like tonicol and as scientific as the genome map of Mexico.

Actium lappa , main ingredient Axepsia . A vague friend of mine keeps your complexion with freshness tired because I always wake up one of these little plants in a vacant lot Just outside, a machine shop in Mixcoac.



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